Built for Interoperability in Complex Integration Environments

Corolar Cloud is a cloud-native interoperability platform built to modernize complex IT landscapes through integration with complete control. Realize the benefits of cloud services with maximized autonomy.


How it Works

Corolar Cloud modernizes integration by extending and enhancing the core technologies provided by Azure Integration Services. Easily implement data, application, API and process integration projects involving any combination of cloud-resident and on-premise endpoints.


Publish and manage application programming interfaces (APIs) with our service. Expose services in the cloud or on premises.


Create and run integration logic. Implement a new business process that relies on multiple applications that can be accessed through APIs.  Define workflow logic easily with a user-friendly graphical tool.


Loosely couple the communication between applications and integration technologies. Communicate asynchronously, even across diverse technology platforms.


Rather than polling a queue in a messaging service, learn about changes by receiving an event. These hybrid cloud services, sometimes combined with other public cloud technologies, can be used to integrate both cloud and on-premises applications.


Corolar Services

Identity Services (RBAC)

Logging and Auditing

Message management

Exception management

Monitoring and alerts

Data aggregation tools

Vocabulary Management

Interface management Portal

Queues and subscription management


Microservice Architecture

The Microservice architecture consists of a collection of small, autonomous services. Corolar Cloud leverages Microservice architecture for the host of services it offers.

Some of the inherent benefits of adopting this approach include:

Highly maintainable and testable

Loosely coupled

Independently deployable and scalable leveraging Azure

Isolate points of failure

Organize around business capabilities

Deliver value faster



Interoperability solutions cost more than just software licenses. When you consider the labor cost of building and maintaining interfaces, hardware requirements, and uptime obligations, Corolar, delivers the lowest cost of ownership of any integration solution on the market.


Faster Implementation Times

Corolar enterprise users find that they complete integration projects faster on average when compared to previous integration engines that they have used. With a predictable and consistent approach, you spend less time on your integrations and more time on your core business. You know your integration landscape best. Create and manage your own marketplace of integrations and APIs.


Develop and Expose New APIs Rapidly

Easily develop and expose new APIs through integration services to develop native REST, SOAP, XML, JSON and many other APIs using industry-leading tools. Designed to integrate leading DevOps solutions to manage API lifecycles from development to deployment.

Accelerate development through:

Add-Ons to design and develop integration schemes and maps

NuGet Packages for each API to simplify interaction between integration interface code and Corolar features

Automating build and deployment of integration interfaces

DevOps enables automated builds and deployments with pipelines, so developers and operation specialists can spend less time with the nuts and bolts and more time being creative.

Custom Connectors to simplify interaction with Corolar from interfaces developed using Azure Logic Apps

Complete support for source control management, versioning, branching, merging, differencing and build trigger.

Azure DevOps can be used as the platform for version control for both code (transformation maps, pipelines, pipeline components, etc.) as well as interface specific logic (Azure Logic Apps, Durable Functions, Custom Libraries)


More Tools for Developers

Corolar Cloud interface solutions can be developed natively using a set of extensions to accelerate integration interface development.

Some of the key features that Corolar adds include:

Message validators

Visual transformation tools

Schema editor

Transformation validators

Integration project wizards

External assembly support

Enterprise code development tools



Corolar Cloud provides complete compatibility with Visual Studio features like Cloud Explorer, XML navigation, version control, live error high-lights, continuous integration and others.