Corolar Release 7.5.1 (Hotfix #1 for 7.5.0)


Corolar Hotfixes are a collection of hotfixes for issues that have been identified within the Dapasoft Corolar product. Corolar Hotfixes are cumulative, however each hotfix describes only the fixes added since the previous Corolar Hotfix. Thus, prior Hotfix release notes should be reviewed for information regarding earlier published fixes.

Note: This Hotfix requires Corolar 7.5.0 installed

Affected Components

The affected components section describes the Corolar components for which this particular release applies.

Corolar BizTalk Artifacts

  • Batch Receive Pipeline now properly supports custom values in BatchTriggerEventReplacementValue and TriggerReplacementValue. Previously it only supported ALLBATCh and ALL

Corolar Database

  • When an HL7 message is received without the field MSH-11, Corolar will now log the message as an invalid message. Previously, it did not log the message

  • Fixed a deadlock issue on the Corolar Database

Corolar Monitor

  • User Management under Security Settings will now work correctly if the default page size of 10 users per page is changed to a different value

  • Corolar Monitor Health Status / last activity should now be shown in the correct icon and colour.

  • Code Set tables are now case sensitive. Previously the input entry “Abc” is the same as “ABC”. Now “Abc” and “ABC” are distinct values

  • Audit Reports will now correctly shown the audit entry that states the user that had viewed a message

  • A warning will appear if a user is added to user management without interface/table profile

  • When importing Code Set Tables via Excel spreadsheets, Corolar will now trim leading and trailing spaces.

  • There is now a setting for frequency of sending alerts for message resubmission (default now 10mins). This can be changed under the resubmission service config file