Corolar Release 7.1.1 (Hotfix #1 for 7.10.0)


Corolar Hotfixes are a collection of hotfixes for issues that have been identified within the Dapasoft Corolar product. Corolar Hotfixes are cumulative, however each hotfix describes only the fixes added since the previous Corolar Hotfix. Thus, prior Hotfix release notes should be reviewed for information regarding earlier published fixes.

Note: This Hotfix requires Corolar 7.1.0 installed

Affected Components

The affected components section describes the Corolar components for which this particular release applies.

Corolar Monitor – Code Set Table Mapping

This hotfix addresses a number of issues identified in the Corolar Monitor Tool

When a user tries to import a file for Code Set Table Mapping that contains an empty value, the value becomes a space after import.


When a user tries to import a file that contains an empty value (either input or output), after the import, the value becomes a space instead of being empty.


A bug in handling empty/space in the Code Set Table Mapping causes this issue


Apply Corolar Release v7.1.1.

When a user adds a row with empty input and empty output value into an existing table through Corolar Monitor, the row that was added contains a space in the input and output value.


Under Corolar Monitor Code Set Table Mapping, when a user tries to add a row with empty input and output value, after the row is added successfully, the input value and output value actually contains a space instead of empty.


A bug in handling empty/space in the Code Set Table Mapping causes this issue


Apply Corolar Release v7.1.1.

While importing an Excel file that contains 2 tables or more (2 or more worksheets), the table names of the first 2 tables are swapped.


The imported tables have the first two tables with table names swapped. The name for the first table has the name of the second table and vice versa. In other words, after importing original Table A containing 3 rows and Table B containing 5 rows, becomes Table B containing 3 rows and Table A containing 5 rows.


A bug during the import process causes this issue.


Apply Corolar Release v7.1.1.

Corolar BizTalk Artifacts

This hotfix addresses an issue identified in the Corolar BizTalk Artifacts

While applying a BizTalk Map on a send port that subscribes to a receive location that uses the CorolarHL7v2XBatchReceivePipeline, the message gets suspended.


While applying a BizTalk Map on a send port that subscribes to a receive location that uses the CorolarHL7v2XBatchReceivePipeline, it causes an error in BizTalk and the message is suspended. 
The error message looks like this: 
The Messaging Engine failed when executing the outbound map for the message going to the destination URL “xxxxxxxx” with the Message Type “yyyyyy”. Details:”Root element is missing.”


A bug in the Corolar Batch Receive Post Processor causes this issue.


Apply Corolar Release v7.1.1.

Known Issues

Corolar Monitor – Code Set Table Mapping

1. Unable to import tables, error reporting the file is not in .xlsx extension even though it is


When trying to import an Excel file from a path that contains a dot “.”, or the Excel filename contains a dot “.”, Corolar Monitor throws an error saying the file does not have the extension .xlsx


The import validation has an issue parsing a path/filename with a dot “.” that is the delimiter for the file extension


Make sure the path and filename does not contain a dot “.” before importing.